To all those who generously supported my campaign for Metro: thank you!
When I started this campaign in December 2019, it seemed like it would be a normal election cycle. Nothing about this campaign has been normal, from the pandemic, social distance, and absence of campaign gatherings to the economic downturn. Nonetheless, our grassroots media based campaign was successful against a campaign funded primarily by affluent development interests. I am very appreciative of your continuing support and your votes.
Metro is non-partisan and I take my commitment to serve all of the cities and the entire district in a fair and non-partisan manner. I recognize that the seven different cities I represent each have special issues and perspectives.
The region faces a serious houselessness crisis and Metro’s efforts to address this will begin in January 2021. I am fully committed to the success of this effort. A further challenge will be to move forward with transportation projects that are critical for both equity and safety. I will work to find a way forward on these critical infrastructure elements.
I will always be open to suggestions for more effective Metro action to achieve a stronger regional community. Again, thanks for your support!
Why I’m Running
I am running because I care about our region – its housing, its economy, its transportation, its natural environment, and its quality of life. I have lived in rural Tualatin for over 28 years and am deeply committed to solving our common regional problems fairly and wisely.
My background in environmental and solid waste assessments and land use planning and my experiences working for both a regional government and for municipal and county governments provides me with a broad regional perspective that all Metro councilors need to serve the entire region. I am running because I care deeply about the future of our region.

Gerritt is endorsed by:
Oregon Senate President Rob Wagner (SD 19)
State Representative Courtney Neron (HD 26)
State Representative Farrah Chaichi (HD 35)
Fmr. State Representative Sheri Schouten
Washington County Commissioner Nafisa Fai
Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Schrader
Fmr. Washington County Commissioner Dick Schouten
Tualatin Mayor Frank Bubenik
Hillsboro Mayor Steve Callaway
Frm. Tigard Mayor Jason Snider
Tualatin Valley Water Commissioner Carl Fisher
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
NW Oregon Labor Council, AFL- CIO
Willamette Women Democrats
Washington County Democratic Central Committee
Ignite Washington County
Northwest Association of Homebuilders
DPO Gunowners Caucus
Portland Association of Teachers – PAC
Greater Portland Chamber of Commerce
Washington County Chamber of Commerce
Metro has a critical role in listening to all the voices in our regional community – cities, counties, and special districts. Metro can be a nutritive matrix that encourages innovation within a context of a shared culture, economy, and natural environment. Transportation, solid waste, land use, housing opportunities, culture, demographic data, and open space must be managed for the good of all. There is great efficiency in a cooperative regional approach.
Solid Waste Planning
I have extensive professional experience evaluating waste disposal options and impacts. My goal will be to ensure that Metro makes the best use of available new technologies to improve recycling, particularly for plastics. I support public/private partnerships to develop markets for reuse and recycling, including food and fiber waste. I will support more local waste recovery and recycling facilities.
Metro is proposing various projects to improve our transportation system (roads, bikes, transit, pedestrian) in terms of social equity, safety, and efficiency. I support these projects and MAX extensions and will push to reduce energy costs and improve accessibility even further. We must reduce our dependence on gas and diesel powered vehicles. We can have a 21st century system that reduces congestion and ensures workers can afford to get to their jobs. I have professional experience evaluating the environmental impacts of transportation projects.
Land Use Planning
Metro’s primary role in land use is to set regional standards and to mediate expansions of Urban Growth Boundaries, when appropriate, of cities in compliance with statewide goals. My experience in land use planning in the Eugene/ Springfield area makes me sensitive to local, particularly rural residential, concerns, as well as to the need to have a consistent regional basis for decisions on growth. Metro provides critical data on population growth and available land for development. I will be fair and open in evaluating demographic data and listening to views of local residents as well as the development community.
I support Metro’s efforts to tackle the critical issue of homelessness and housing affordability. The 2018 Bond issue is being used to build affordable homes in many jurisdictions and a new proposal, which I strongly support, will provide housing and wrap around services for homeless and increase voucher assistance for those needing help.
Parks & Open Space
Metro has a good track record developing parks, open space, and recreational opportunities throughout the area. My natural resource evaluation experience will enable me to ensure that our public bond money is spent wisely with the greatest public and habitat benefits.