Progressive. Environmentalist. Landowner.
I have lived in the Stafford area of Tualatin for over 25 years. I am a homeowner, small business owner, and an environmental consultant and planner. I have worked for a regional agency similar to Metro. Oregon has shown that comprehensive planning and regional efforts can protect our quality of life and allow local jurisdictions to cooperate on a level playing field. I support regional action to solve our transportation and housing problems, address climate change, and protect our quality of life. I have 40-plus years as an environmental consultant specializing in natural resource planning and a strong record of community involvement. I am independent of special interests. I manage my 5-acre property where I live for habitat values; grow grapes, fruit, and berries; and enjoy the Oregon outdoors.
Metro has a number of key functions:
- Provide for common standards in regional land use planning
- Manage solid waste (Including recycling, reuse, and hazardous wastes) disposal on a regional basis
- Manage key public facilities (Performing Arts, Convention, and Exhibition Centers; Oregon Zoo)
- Provide local jurisdictions with the resources to reduce homelessness and provide affordable housing
- Help develop a safe, equitable and efficient transportation system, including securing federal funding where possible – (however, Metro does not operate TriMet)
- Manage a regional database (and mapping capability) on demographics, land use, natural resources, and economic indicators
- Manage14 Pioneer Cemeteries (still open in some cases) for community values
My broad experience gives me the regional perspective Metro needs to deal with land use, open space, transportation, data, and solid waste issues. My commitment to social equity and climate adaptability gives me the incentive to work hard to address the climate and housing problems. I worked for approximately 7 years for the Lane Council of Governments (L-COG), a regional planning agency in Eugene/ Springfield. L-COG also conducted regional planning for waste management, housing, and transportation. I was co-chair of Metro’s Citizens Involvement Committee for 2 years.
Solid Waste: I have professional experience and expertise in dealing with the broad range of solid waste planning issues, including environmental impacts and long range planning.
Regional Planning: I understand both the context and the processes for Metro’s decision-making processes from my years in Lane County.
Natural Resources: I have worked on comprehensive resource protection projects throughout the Metro area including Fanno, Tyron and Crystal Springs Creeks, the Willamette River, and the Columbia Slough.
I have worked with engineers and consultants on both large and small projects. I can read and decipher technical reports. I would have provided an early “reality check” for the CRC process. I will communicate what I learn to constituents in clear, jargon-free language.
Endorsed by:
Representative Suzanne Bonamici
Oregon Senator Rob Wagner
Senator Mark Hass
State Representative Jeff Barker
Representative Rachel Prusak
Representative Courtney Neron
State Representative Sheri Schouten
Washington County Commissioner Dick Schouten
Mayor Ken Gibson – City of King City
Tualatin City Councilor Bridget Brooks
Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Oregon AFSCME Council 75
NW Oregon Labor Council, AFL- CIO
Willamette Women Democrats
Washington County Democratic Central Committee
Clackamas County Democratic Party
Pacific Green Party of Oregon